The pictures are not in a logical order but at least they are labeled. Maria's cafe is where I write this blog-some view!
Anchoring spots don't come much better than Harmony Bay.

The anchorage at Harmony Bay St Lucia to Bequia is a 55 mile sail so I started at 0500hrs and decided to sail on the eastern Atlantic side of St Vincent. Too late I discovered that this may not have been the best choice as the wind shifted to SE making it a close reach in choppy seas. I made Bequia a little before last light and was able to select a good anchoring spot.
At the north end of St Vincent there is a big mountain that does funny things to the wind on the lee side of the island and was the main reason why I elected to sail the windward side of the island.
I plan to visit some of the many islands in the Grenadines as I head south back to Trinidad where I have booked a haul out on 21 June. If the wind permits I would like to get to Tobago but generally that would involve a hard slog to windward against the current.