Another wonderful sail in near perfect conditions broad reaching in calm seas making 7 knots without trying. The island of Canouan had been my chosen destination but with a bit of north in the wind the pilot suggested it might be problematical anchoring so I decided Chatham Bay Union Island would be a wiser choice.
Enterprising individuals have set up restaurants and bars to entice the cruising community and they range from shacks to one beautifully built establishment.

The only drawback to this wonderful away from it all anchorage were the charter catamarans some of which were loud and lacking common sense when it came to anchoring. But the swimming was fantastic and shared with a resident turtle who wasn't too put out by the humans. I had a meal at the thatched restaurant a few feet from the waters edge gazing at Plane Song whilst the sun set with an amazing range of colours.

Union is the southern most island of St Vincent and so it was necessary to clear here before entering Grenada. Clearance is done at Clifton which by boat would involve a 4 mile motor into wind and waves to a small crowded harbour. I decided to walk there over some impressive hills and get clearance to leave the following morning. How nice it was to get some real exercise. The customs lady couldn't believe I had walked. Not much to say about Clifton except I was able buy the biggest mangoes I have ever seen call Imperial. Great flavour and not at all stringy but to eat a whole one was a real test!

From Union it is but a short 10 mile hop to Carriacou to clear into Grenada.