I happen by chance to be berthed next to Hummingbird III A 53 ft ketch built by Harold La Borde, a Trinidadian. Harold now in his seventies, is an extraordinary man so I have decided to write a special entry to tell you a little about him. Not only has he circumnavigated, he has done so twice and each time in a yacht he built himself. By way of a warm up he built a 26 foot yacht which he sailed to England as a young man without any of what we might consider the basics such as an engine,electrics, sink or toilet! He tells the story in his first book An Ocean to Ourselves published in 1962.
Hummingbird II, a 40ft yacht he built himself took him and his family round the world. He wrote of his experiences in All Oceans Blue , published in Trinidad in 1977. For their exploits he and his wife were awarded the Trinity Cross[Gold], Trinidad's highest award.
To build Hummingbird III took 8 years and was launched on his birthday in June 1983. Harold his wife Kwailan and eldest son set off in May 1984 to follow the southern route around the world, used by the clipper ships. This involved rounding the 3 great capes: Good Hope, Leeuwin and Cape Horn. His third book Lonely Oceans South, published in 1989 records his experiences.
Now he sails Hummingbird III up to Grenada every year for a few months to the Yacht Club at St George to potter about and do a little maintenance. He has been doing his long enough to be an honorary member of the club. It was a great privilege to have him aboard Plane Song and listen to his stories, told simply with great modesty. A rare and very likable man.