For a variety of reasons, not least to be able to attend my son Daniel's wedding in August, I decided not to continue into the Pacific this year. Finding somewhere safe to leave Plane Song en route as well as the cost of a return flight were key factors. So I was delighted that Gail Isaacs joined me on 23 Feb from Miami to crew in the Leeward Islands. With a firm plan it was now possible for Mary to join me mid March in St Lucia for some well earned sunshine.
We set off from Trinidad for Grenada during the evening of 27 Feb. Before I left I filled a Float Plan with the Coast Guard just in case we had any problems with the pirates who operate from Venezuela. Once clear of the coast, the wind settled at around 18 kts from the east and progress was rapid with one reef in the main, staysail and yankee. I sailed as close to the wind as was comfortable to make some easting so that the later part of the passage could be sailed on a beam wind. This also helped to counter the west going current which is very noticable at the southern end of Grenada.
Some 20 miles off the coast there is a gas field with 2 large platforms lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree. Most of the time we were making about 6.5 knots in a moderate sea. The swell increased as we closed with Grenada at dawn. The whole trip from TTSA took about 15 hours. Entering the anchorage at Prickly Bay on the southern tip of Grenada was not difficult despite a number of hazards. The atmosphere is very different from Trinidad-clearly the locals take a pride in their island and make an effort to welcome the cruising community. Despite the form filling checking in was a pleasant experience.